Tuesday 18 January 2011


Well, I guess its about time I started blogging. This blog will be mainly about poker, but I might include some other stuff that's on my mind too. 

Let's start with a look at how online poker has gone for me so far, I've been playing on pokerstars as kremlin72 for almost exactly two years now and in that time I've seen over 500,000 hands, won over $200,000, and all I've got to show for it, according to sharkscope, is $500 in net profit, here's the graph...

I'll break it down into individual graphs so you can see exactly where its been going wrong and right for me...                                      

downswings aren't much fun...


In September 2010, I decided to try and play poker as a job, this may have looked like an odd decision based on the fact that I was down quite a lot of money overall at that time, but
 I knew that if stayed disciplined and stuck to SnGs, I'd probably be ok. But during the first few weeks of September I ran fairly deep in a couple of MTTs, so I tried playing them for a while, it was a waste of time really, I ended up losing back most of the money I'd won. Overall during September, October, November and December I only made $1,500 profit.

2011 has gone well so far, I've been more disciplined, I'm treating the SnG grind like a 40-hour a week job, I play $6.50 45-mans from 8pm through till 4am. Although I haven't put in as much volume as I'd have liked, I've performed much better than expected, I've only played SnGs for 7 days during January and I've been doing much better than my target of $1 average profit per SnG:

I've still been allowing myself to play MTTs on Sundays, I've had two MTT Sundays this month and they've gone like this:

From now on I'm going to restrict myself to only one or two Sundays of every month playing MTTs, they're too damaging to my bankroll.

So that's what's happening with me and poker at the minute, I'll post again soon with my targets and expectations for 2011...